Pranayama – Excellent Breathing Exercises for Good Health

‘Prana‘ and ‘Ayama‘ are the Sanskrit words. ‘Prana‘ means ‘Breath‘ and ‘Ayama‘ means ‘Control‘ so it is called as Pranayama.In Pranayama we learn to control our breath by regularly practicing. Pranayama plays very important role in our life to keep healthy.

Pranayama is the perfect breathing exercise which increases the positive energy level in the body and removes toxins. Pranayama (breathing exercises) supplies more oxygen to the body. Pranayama is the key to a healthy body. Those practicing regularly, feel very energetic throughout the day.

Everyone can enjoy the Benefits of Pranayama. Those are above the age of 10 can practice. Old people or weak people should not practice pranayama too much.

Nowadays doctors also recommending Pranayama and Yogasana for a healthy body. Those suffering from cancer, depression, anxiety and so many found excellent result after practicing pranayama regularly. Lets see Benefits of Pranayama and types of Pranayama as follows.

Important Note
Doctor’s reports say that nowadays heart problem is mostly seen in young generation from the age of 20 to 35 years. The reason can be different but it is serious. Mainly stress, tension and depression are the main reasons for heart problem. Regularly practicing seven pranayama (Breathing exercise) is the best way to cure and prevent heart problems. So let’s start practicing.We can do this Pranayama by slowly, medium and fast way. Those suffering from lungs and heart problems and high blood pressure can perform slowly. Practice under expert guidance.

Benefits of Pranayama

  1. It improves blood circulation.
  2. Keep away the heart related problems.
  3. Provide relaxation to body and mind.
  4. Improves your concentration.
  5. It relieves Stress, Depression and Hypertension.
  6. Cure asthma, headache, migraine, neurological problems, depression, gastric problems.
  7. Improves blood circulation.
  8. Releases anxiety.
  9. Improves the function of reproductive organs.
  10. Release stress and depression.
  11. Build up self confidence.
  12. In yogi point of view below are the important pranayama which keeps people healthy and energetic. Morning is the best time to perform this pranayama which take 40 to 45 minutes. Pranayama should be done under expert guidance.

Types of Pranayama

1. Bhastrika Pranayama

Sanskrit word Bhastrika means bellows. This breathing exercise resembles the blowing of bellows. Bhastrika is the excellent breathing exercise which we can practice slowly or fast as per our convenience. A person who is suffering from Heart problem and Lung problems should practice slowly other wise slowly increase the speed of breathing.

Bhastrika Pranayama should practice normally 3-5 minutes twice a day in the fresh air. In this pranayama body gets the maximum amount of oxygen due to complete inhaling and exhaling breathing.

Steps for Bhastrika Pranayama

  1. Sit comfortably on flat ground. Those who can’t sit on ground can sit on chair because this Pranayama is related to the breath.
  2. Take a deep breath through both nostrils and fill the lungs with air and then exhale with hissing sound.
  3. Inhale deeply and exhale completely.
  4. Do this for 2 min to 5 minutes max and see the result in a few days.
  5. Benefits of Bhastrika Pranayama
  6. It improves blood circulation.
  7. Keep away the heart related problems.
  8. Provide relaxation to body and mind.
  9. Improves your concentration.
  10. Helps to stronger the lungs.
  11. Relive stress depression and hypertension.
  12. Cures obesity and arthritis.
  13. Calms the mind.
  14. Cures throat infection.
  15. Increases appetite.
  16. Cure asthma, headache, migraine, neurological problems, depression, gastric problems.

2.Kapalbhati Pranayama, Weight Loss Exercise

Kapalbhati pranayama is very effective in curing stomach disorder, obesity, digestive disorder and many problems related to stomach. Those trying to loose weight can practice Kapalbhati regularly and see 100% results. lets see its benefits and how to do kapalbhati Pranayama.

Steps for Kapalbhati Pranayama

  • Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs. keep the spine straight and close the eyes.
  • Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
  • Now take a deep breath and exhale with all your force  so your stomach will go deep inside.
  • When you exhale with hissing sound try to think that your disorders are coming out of your nose.
  • Do not stress on inhaling. Inhalation should not involve any effort. Inhaling will be done automatically after each exhaling.
  • Repeat these steps for 5 minute and take rest. You can increase the time for 15 – 30 minutes.
  • Should not practice very fast. Speed of practice should be medium.
  • Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama.
  • It improves the function of the lungs and other respiratory system.
  • Improves the function of reproductive system. Cures erectile dysfunction naturally.
  • Improves the function of pancreas. Helps to produce insulin hormone naturally.
  • It removes toxins from the body and helps to clean the internal system.
  • Calms the mind and bring stability in mind.
  • Very effective in weight loss.
  • Cures breast cancer.
  • Helpful in reducing weight (Belly fat).
  • Keeps depression away and brings positive thoughts.
  • Helpful in curing respiratory diseases as asthma, allergies, and sinus.
  • Cure for constipation, acidity, diabetes, Asthma and all kinds of Respiratory troubles, sinus and even hair loss.
  • Cures kidney problems and lower down the high creatinine level.
  • Improve the function of kidneys.


  • Those are heart patient should do this slowly while exhaling. You can do kapalbhati pranayama in morning or evening both the time, but keep in mind that you should do this on empty stomach.
  • Pregnant women should not do this.
  • High blood pressure patient should practice kapalbhati at a slow rate. Means 3 exhalations per 5 seconds and force of exhalation should be reduced.
  • Practice pranayama in the supervision of an expert yoga teacher after informing about your whole health.
  • Those women’s, feel comfortable practicing pranayama during periods, can go ahead otherwise avoid it.
3.Bahya Pranayama – Breathing Exercise

In this pranayama the breath is kept outside during the practice so it is called Bahya Pranayama. Bahya means “outside”.  It should be done after kapalbhati pranayama.

Steps for Bahya Pranayama

  • Sit in pose of Padmasana or Siddhasana.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale completely (breath out) to evacuate lungs as much as possible.
  • Hold your breath and touch your chin to the chest is called (Jalandhar Bandha or Throat lock). By pulling your stomach in and up under the rib cage such that the stomach and back seem to touch each other from inside. It is called (Uddiyana Bandha). Lift the muscle from groin area is called (Mulabandha or Root lock).
  • Hold this three bandhas for some time as much you can 10-15 seconds then breathe in deeply to release these three locks.
  • Repeat Bahya pranayama for 2-5 minutes daily.
  • Benefits of Bahya pranayama
  • Constipation, Acidity, Gastric problem, Hernia cure completely
  • Problems related prostate get cure.
  • Cures problems related reproductive organs.
  • It is beneficial in diabetes also.
  • Urine and sperm related problems get cure completely.

Pranayama should be done on empty stomach having gap of 5 hours between practice and your meal.
Those suffering from heart problem, blood pressure and cervical colitis should not practice. They can control this by practicing other asana and pranayama. Practice under expert guidanace.
Women should not practice bahya pranayama during period.

4.Anulom Vilom Pranayama – Breathing Exercise

It is very effective to purify mind and body. Anulom Vilom pranayama is one of the excellent breathing exercises which is also know as Nadi Shodhana. Regular practice offers energy in the body and releases stress and anxiety. It should be practiced in the morning in the fresh air with empty stomach.

Steps for Anulom Vilom Pranayama

  1. It is very simple asana every one can do this of any age.

  2. Sit comfortably on flat ground. Those who can’t sit, can sit on chair because this is related to the breath.
  3. Now close right nostril with right thumb and breathe from left nostril. Then close left nostril with middle and ring finger and breathe out from right nostril.
  4. Now breathe in deeply with right nostril and then close right nostril and breathe out deeply with left nostril. Do the repetition.
  5. Do this for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Keep in mind that your breathing should be up to the lungs and not in the stomach.

Benefits of Pranayama Anulom Vilom

  1. It improves blood circulation.
  2. It calms your mind.
  3. Keep away the heart related problems
  4. Provide relaxation to body and mind.
  5. Regular practice of anulom vilom breathing exercise cleanses, strengthens and tones your nervous system.
  6. It improves your concentration.
  7. Excellent for glowing skin.
  8. Helps to improve function of your lungs.
  9. Helps to prevent diabetes and keeps diabetes under control.
  10. Remove blockage of arteries.
  11. Relive stress depression and hypertension.
  12. Cure Asthma, headache, migraine, Neurological problems, Heart blockage, depression, gastric problems.


  1. Practice under expert guidance. Pregnant women should practice Anulom Vilom but over straining should be avoided.
  2. Anulom vilom pranayama should be practiced on an empty stomach.
  3. It should be done in the morning or evening or both. If you don’t have time in the morning or evening, you can do it at your convenience.
  4. Make sure that you practice anulom vilom pranayama 4-5 hours after having your food.

5.Breathing Exercise – Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath)

Bhramari pranayama is the excellent breathing exercise which plays an important role in releasing agitation, frustration and anger. It is the best breathing exercise in calming your mind. ‘Bhramari ‘is the type of ‘Indian bee’ and ‘pranayama ‘means breathing. So it is called as Bhramari Pranayama. In this type of pranayama when we exhale making a humming sound. It resembles the typical humming sound of bees. So you can understand why this breathing exercise is called as Bhramari Pranayama. 

 Steps for pranayama:
  1. Steps for Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath)
  2. Sit straight in the Padmasana  or Sukhasana  and press your tragus with your thumb.
  3. Place your index fingers on the forehead and with the remaining fingers close your eyes.
  4. Start inhaling through both the nostril deeply and slowly.
  5. By keeping mouth close, exhale by making a humming sound bee like “hmmmm”. While making humming sound say ‘Om’ in soft humming sound.
  6. Feel your body releases impurity from your body and experiencing positive energy.
  7. Duration
  8. Practice daily for 3 to 5 minutes.

Benefits of Bhramari Pranayama (Humming Bee Breath)
  1. It relieve tension, anger and anxiety.
  2. Effective against hypertension.
  3. Cures sinus problem.
  4. Bhramari Pranayama control the high blood pressure and cure it.
  5. Helps to stay calm and bring stability in mind.
  6. Cures the problems related to nervous system.
  7. During pregnancy it is very helpful for pregnant women for easy and trouble free childbirth.


  1. It should be practice under expert guidance.
  2. People having heart disease should not hold their breath for long time.
  3. Pranayama should be done on empty stomach.
  4. If you feel dizzy while practicing, stop the exercise and start normal breathing.
  5. Consult a doctor if you are suffering from any ear problem or and medical ailments before doing Bhramari Pranayama.
  6. Should maintain gap of 5 hours between your meal or lunch.
  7. Better to practice in the morning in fresh air.

6.Udgeeth pranayama:

It is known as “Omkari Japa” means chanting of “Om”. Udgeeth pranayama is the simple breathing exercise. Should be practiced on a daily basis like other 6 recommended pranayama.

Steps of Udgeeth Pranayama
  1. Sit in a suitably relaxed posture.
  2. In this pranayama the inhaling and exhaling duration should be long.
  3. Inhale deeply and while exhaling chant Ommmmmmmmm for a long time as much you can.
  4. In all pranayama the breath plays an important role. So concentrate on your breath and feel the positive energy comes when you inhale and negative energy goes out while exhaling.
  5. Repeat this for 5-10 minutes.

Benefits of Udgeeth Pranayama

  1. It calms the mind and bring stability.
  2. It relieves tension, anger and anxiety.
  3. Excellent breathing exercises for meditation.
  4. Effective against hypertension.
  5. It cures problems related to sleep (Insomnia) and bad dreams.
  6. Control the high blood pressure and cure it.
  7. Cures the problems related to the nervous system.
  8. Cures acidity.
  9. Improve memory power.


  1. Should be practiced under expert guidance.
  2. In this pranayama the inhaling and exhaling duration should be long.
  3. Should practice pranayama on an empty stomach.
  4. Having gap of 5 hours between yoga practice and your meal.
  5. Better to practice in the morning in fresh air.
  6. Anyone can practice Udgeeth Pranayama. Including children to old age. You can practice this any time whenever you feel stress.

7.Pranav Pranayama:

This is the last seventh pranayama. After practicing all six pranayama concentrate your mind on inhaling and exhaling for some time this is called Pranav pranayama. This is very simple breathing exercise. This is one type of meditation you can say.

Steps for pranav pranayama
  1. Sit in Padmasana, Sukhasana or Vajrasana quietly.
  2. Breathe normally and concentrate your mind on inhaling and exhaling.
  3. While practicing Pranav pranayama imagine that God is everywhere in every particle.
  4. Practice for 3 minutes to 1 hour as per your available time.

Benefits of pranav pranayama

  1. It gives physical and spiritual energy.
  2. Gives relief from mental stress and overcomes the physical disorders.
  3. Gives good health.
  4. Strengthen the mind.
  5. Meditation.
  6. Increases concentration.
  7. Helps in spiritual development and widen our perspective.
  8. This is the simplest breathing exercise and all people of any age can practice.

  1. Pranayama should be practiced early in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Pranayama should be practiced in fresh air.
  3. Pranayama should be practice under expert guidance.

Benefits of Pranayama during pregnancy

Pranayama is complete breathing exercise which relieves stress, depression and hypertension. This is very important for safe delivery. Pregnant women should not practice few pranayama especially where you need to hold your breath for a long time or exhale forcefully.

Tips for Pranayama:

Empty Stomach : Pranayama should be done on an empty stomach always for better results. A person should have a gap of 5 hours between the meal. In the morning or evening you can do the pranayama. When you wake up in the morning drink 2 glasses of warm water and go for a walk to improve digestion.

Positive Thinking: Pranayama develops positive thinking. It gives confidence and boost energy level. Because positive thinking develops the positive energy and it helps to cure disease.

Place to Pranayama or Yogasana: The place for yoga should be clean and with full of fresh air.

Do not eat before Pranayama or Yogasana: There should be 5 hour gap between the meals and yoga time.

Women’s should not practice yoga in menstruation days. The mind should be relaxed and free from worry and tensions.

Practice Regularly: Keep in mind if you want to enjoy benefits of pranayama then you should practice it regularly. Only regular practice can give you better results.


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