Yoga For Constipation

Yoga is a complete management system that can give you relief from constipation. Daily routines like Drinking warm water every day ,Walking, Taking good  food, Good sleep are important. If you are eating a lot of unhealthy and processed fast foods, they will affect your body systems.

Diet is important considering the stress filled and fast-paced daily routines most people ignore daily diet. Avoid -Fast foods, refined flours, pizzas, pasta and processed foods. Include more of Fibrous fruits -eat a plate every day between breakfast and lunch is helpful. Include more of seasonal vegetables like Palak, meethi green fibrous vegetables etc. Some effective foods that help to naturally cure constipation are Yoghurt (curd), Mangoes, Whole grains (flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc.)  Drinking at least 12 glasses of liquid is a must every day. Herbal tea and buttermilk are recommended. 

yoga stimulate the bowel and other abdominal organs, also helps to reduce stress, which is associated with digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome. Yoga massages the internal organs, and certain poses such as twists help to bring movement to the intestines.Yoga revitalizes the body by increasing the flow of blood and oxygen in the system. Since most yoga postures involve pelvic movement, it’s one of the best aids in relieving constipation woes.

Yoga Poses for Constipation Relief 

  1. Vajrasana
  2. Halasana
  3. Paschimottanasana
  4. Pawanmuktasana
  5. Balasana
  6. Bhujangasana
  7. Malasana
  8. Dhanurasana
  9. Adho Mukha Svanasana
  10. Baddha Konasana (Butterfly Pose)

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