Nauli Kriya

Massage is used to help heal the body, making the muscles loose and stress free, but is also a useful tool for decreasing mental stress. In most styles of massage we generally work on the muscles, ligaments and the tendons, even when we do self massage we generally rub or apply a gentle pressure on the affected area. This helps to increase the blood flow accelerating the healing process. In Nauli Kriya we create a churning action which helps us to massage our internal organs increasing the blood flow and promoting a healthy digestive system. Nauli is a difficult process which may take some time to master. To prepare our body for Nauli first practice Udiyana Bandha Kriya and Agnisar Kriya.

Nauli can be broken down into three parts;

Madhyama (central) nauli, Dakshina (right) nauli and Vama (left) nauli.

The body position is the same as mentioned in the Uddiyana Bandha and Agnisar Kriya. Nauli will happen once you get some control over the oblique muscles. Once you get the Madhyama nauli getting Vama and Dakshina nauli will be easier.

Body Position

Technique Madhyama Nauli

  1. Empty the lungs completely by doing a coughing action and pull the stomach muscles in like Uddiyan Bandha.
  2. Brace your arms against your thighs and push on your hands
  3. Contract the oblique muscles (the muscles up the sides of the abdomen, left image below) in and push the rectus abdominis (muscles up the centre of the abdomen, right image below) out.
  4. Maintain this position while holding the breath for as long as comfortable.
  5. Inhale, release the locks, and relax the stomach.
  6. Take a few deep breaths and repeat two more times.

Technique Vama/Dakshina Nauli
  1. First get into Madhyama Nauli
  2. Press the left hand into the thigh releasing the pressure on right hand
  3. You should see the rectus abdominis move to the left.
  4. Stay in this position for as long as comfortable.
  5. Inhale and release the locks and relax the stomach. Take a few deep breaths and repeat two more times.
  6. For Dakshina Nauli do the same process with the right hand instead of the left.

                                                                       Vama Nauli

Dakshina Nauli

Nauli Chalan (Churning)

  1. This is a combination of the three. Each round start on a different side.
  2. Come into Madhyama Nauli, press on the right hand to get into the Dakshina Nauli, press on both hands to get the Madhyama Nauli and then press the left hand to the thigh to get into the Vama Nauli. Shift your weight from your right to your left hand, and you will see that the rectus abdominis move from side to side.
  3. Repeat this for as long as comfortable. Inhale and release the locks and relax the stomach.
  4. Take a few deep breaths and repeat the process two more times.

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